Dialektika : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Raden Rahmat Islamic University, Malang. Dialektika : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial is a scientific magazine that has been registered at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences with P ISSN: 2502-4094 E ISSN: 2598-781X and has been accredited by SINTA. This journal has specifications as a medium for communicating research results and conceptual thoughts related to the field of Economics and Social Sciences. This journal is published every six months in February and September. Journal of Dialektika : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial accepts manuscripts of scientific papers resulting from research in the field of Economics and Social Sciences that have never been published in other media with the following conditions:

  1. Editors receive scientific manuscripts/works according to our Focus and Scope;
  2. Dialektika : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial uses the Peer-Review and Editorial system. The Editorial Board and Bestari Partners will examine manuscripts that are submitted to the Editor and have the right to reject manuscripts deemed not to meet the requirements;
  3. Written Manuscripts can be in the form of: Research results articles (empirical research or normative research or documentary studies); Study results articles; Conceptual Articles (freelancing/short essays);
  4. Manuscripts written in Indonesian or English, sent in softfile form (office MS-Word);
  5. The number of pages of the manuscript is at least 5 pages and a maximum of 15 pages, including abstract images, tables and bibliography, if more than 15 pages, the editor has the right to re-edit and if deemed necessary will consult with the author.
  6. The systematics of research/study results articles must include: Title; The title is written in 2 languages, Indonesian uses capital letters TNR 16 for Indonesian, English titles use lowercase Italic font TNR 16. The title is written a maximum of 15 words.
  7. Author's name (typed under the title is written in full without mentioning the title. If the author consists of more than one person, then the conjunction "and" must be added (not the symbol "˜&"). Author Institution Name (without mentioning position or work at the agency) is written using lowercase TNR 10 font.


Abstract in English and in Indonesian using TNR 11 normal with 1 space, right aligned, contains: objectives (research questions), research methods, results and impact of research (answers to research questions). The number of words in the abstract is 150-250 words.
Keywords: keyword 1; keyword 2; keyword 3.

Preliminary content reveals the background of the research problem, related studies that have existed, differences from previous research so that it raises the novelty of the research, problem formulation/identification, writing objectives, hopes to be achieved from writing, and scientific benefits from writing.
The introductory title, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and references use TNR 13 bold, capital letters with 6pt top and bottom spacing. The content of the article uses a normal TNR 11, the left and right margins are straight with a top and bottom spacing of 0 pt. The spacing between lines in writing is 1.5 spaces.

Research methods must be included in the submitted article. Describe the data, population and sampling, analytical tools used, and if any, include a Fishbone Diagram of the research.

The contents of the results and discussion reveal the research findings based on field data obtained by questionnaires, surveys, documents, interviews, observations and other data collection techniques. The research results are analyzed by interpreting with certain techniques and synthesizing with certain theories (it can also come from the author's thoughts). Research results must be concise and clear. The discussion must analyze the significance of the research results, avoid repetition. Avoid discussing citations and literature that is too broad in this section.
This section can be supplemented with tables or figures to provide further explanation.
Text and table numbers are placed at the top with TNR 11 normal letters, centered, 6pt spaced above and below. The table numbering is adjusted according to the order in which it appears in the article. Table lines are simply horizontal lines at the first and end of the table,

The images included in the manuscript are an important part of the research results. Images must be made in black and white format. if made in another color, it must be ensured that the image can be clearly read when printed in black and white. Images must be clearly legible and made in a size that is proportional to the entire page. The title of the image is placed below the image with TNR 11 normal letters, center aligned, 6pt top and bottom spacing. If the image comes from another source, write the source at the bottom left of the image.

The conclusion contains a summary of the answers to the purpose of writing, the possibility of implementing or developing research and suggestions or recommendations for further research.

Citation and citation using APA style 6th Edition and using reference management tools (Zotero or Mendeley). Bibliography is arranged alphabetically based on the last name of the cited author. Bibliography letter TNR 11, 1 space, 6pt underscore. Reference writing format follows APA Style 6 th Edition as below.

Book Format
Kotler, Philip. (2012). Marketing Management Fundamentals. Issue 2. New York: McGraw Hill.
Rivai, V., et al. (2010). Human Resource Management For Companies: From Theory to Practice. Jakarta: Rajawali Press.

Journal Article Format
Sinollah, S., & Hermawanto, H. (2020). Analysis of Performance Assessment on Satisfaction and Its Impact on Performance. Dialektika : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial, 5(1), 1-22.

Conference Proceedings Format
Rachmi, A, (2014). Industrial Relations in Indonesian Medium Enterprises, (pp. 28-31). Malang: Malang State Polytechnic.

Thesis, Thesis or Dissertation Format
Lucky Radi Rinandiyana. (2010). The Effect of Store Image on Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable for Asia Plaza Customers in Tasikmalaya City. Thesis, Master of Management Science Study Program. General Sudirman University.

Electronic Source Format
Ivan Mulyadi. (2011). Segmenting by Demographics, accessed January 30, 2016, from

For more details, see our ARTICLE TEMPLATE.


  1. Manuscripts are equipped with an index;
  2. The manuscript is neatly typed 1.5 spaces on A4 paper; using Times New Roman font; 11 fonts; between 5-15 pages; in print-out or soft-copy;
  3. Writing citations of reference sources using a bodynote system, namely writing the name of the author (without an academic degree), the year of publication, which is written in brackets; placed behind the quote. Example: .........................(Sinollah, 2007);
  4. The contents of the article are beyond the responsibility of the editor. And the editor has the right to edit the editorial without changing the meaning;
  5. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements will be confirmed or returned for correction;
  6. The proposed manuscript must be sent to
  7. Communication related to the proposed scientific paper can contact the editor of the Dialektika : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial via email: [email protected];
  8. The stages of submitting manuscripts to are as follows:
  • Register (REGISTER) by filling in the data in the form provided, then on the "Register as" option select/click on Author;
  • After registration, login by entering the username and password that has been created;
  • At login, follow the instructions and upload the manuscript in the submissions files column;
  • Upload a Plagiarism Check Results in the supplementary files column;
  • Perform periodic checks on your E-Journal Account periodically to check whether the submitted manuscript contains corrections/improvements from the editor, section editor or from peer-review.

Dialektika : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business

Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat

Mailing Address:
Jalan Raya Mojosari No.2, Kepanjen, Jatirejoyoso, Malang, Jawa Timur 65163, Indonesia
Phone: (0341) 399099
Email: [email protected]