Vol. 3 (2023): Proceeding International Seminar On Islamic Education and Peace - On Progress

					View Vol. 3 (2023): Proceeding International Seminar On Islamic Education and Peace - On Progress

ISIEP, which stands for International Seminar on Islamic Education & Peace, invites contributions to highlight the Islamic education and peace education especially in Society 5.0.

The ISIEP 2023 is an extremely important undertaking, not only because of its emphasis on Islamic education and peace education programs, but, more significantly, because it brings in the Islamic perspectives of enhancing peace education in the era of Society 5.0 on the current theme.

Nowadays, the majority of the theories in management, though claiming to have global application, in effect, originate in different parts of the Modern world. This raises an important concern: Is it wise to assume that these theories are universal in nature and could equally be applied to all contexts? The ISIEP 2022 is an initiative that challenges the hegemony of Modern-inspired theories and their basic assumptions and to make a valuable contribution in addressing this concern, and in highlighting understanding on Islamic education and peace education on enhancing educational programs in times of challenges, Society 5.0 era.

As far as the Era of Society 5.0 concern, the educational institution praticularly in Islamic education often imitate the peace education program from Western Countries without exploring a little bit deeper some values from Islamic perspectives. In fact, Al Qur’an, Hadist and ‘Sirah Nabawiyah’, as well as historical records from Islamic civilization constitute values that can be used to create and or develop current peace education programs. Islam brings an alternative worldview for people in all aspects of life because Islam is a value system. Islam is ‘rahmatan lil ‘alamin’, in a sense that if we are able to extract the Islamic values, then humankind will get much benefit. Therefore, peace education programs may be built based on the Islamic values.

Published: 2023-12-14
